It was only a matter of time before Capcom decided it was time to remake Resident Evil I for this generation. I understood why they started the new remakes with Resident Evil II, as it had only been 4 years since they remastered the GameCube remaster of the original Resident Evil...Capcom love remastering! 2026 marks the 30th anniversary of the franchise, so they need to do something big. Following the popularity of the RE remake games, it would be an instant money maker for them to remake the game that started it all. There have been rumors flying around the internet (mainly Twitter, or 'X' and YouTube) but it is hard to know who we should listen to and who we should dismiss as nothing more than an educated guess. I will unpack some of these rumors and give my own opinion on what a Resident Evil remake could look like.
The main rumors of a remake being released in 2026 came from DanielRPK on his Patreon, and PRE_Alarabiya on Twitter (or 'X' know what, I'm just going to keep calling it Twitter for the rest of this article!). DanielRPK is known for leaking insider information but it is hard to know whether or not we should be taking these rumors as gospel. DanielRPK has had some pretty accurate leaks and it honestly seems to make too much sense for Capcom to remake Resident Evil I.
The rumors from DanielRPK are that the game would have the same treatment that Resident Evil 2,3, and 4 have had and the rumor mill has been added to by YouTuber 'Biohazard Declassified' who claimed in one of his videos that he received an email from an anonymous source who told him that they had heard overheard details of an RE:1 remake back in 2023, and had sat on the information until now. According to Biohazard Declassified's YouTube video the working title is, 'Resident Evil 1' or in Japan 'Biohazard: RE1' (shocking I know). Biohazard Declassified also claimed it 'will be slower paced, like the Resident Evil 2 Remake'. This seems like a no-brainer anyway in my opinion. The first Resident Evil game was not about blasting hordes of zombies, it was about solving puzzles in a creepy mansion where you occasionally bumped into a zombie. If Capcom said that RE:1 is coming out and it will be a fast-paced shooter, I would be very shocked! In his YouTube video, Biohazard Declassified also says 'each zombie will have their own unique model, due to the small number of enemies that are in the game.' This again makes sense and I think that it should feel like each zombie was a living person with their own story as this adds to the depth and weight of what you are experiencing.
According to 'Biohazard Declassified's' video, Crimson Heads will be returning to the game. If you don't remember what they are, they were by far the scariest part of the first game. These dudes will chase you down and in the GameCube version would break through doors. So basically, you never knew if you were really safe. I think it wouldn't make sense for them not to bring these enemies back, especially as they ramp up the difficulty towards the end to keep you feeling helpless. The final rumor given in the video is that it will be third person, over the shoulder, which to me seems like an obvious choice and I would be surprised if they didn't do that.
Aesthetic Gamer aka Dusk Golem on Twitter was originally said to have backed up the rumors of an RE:1 remake. However they recently claimed that that they do not have any knowledge of an RE:1 remake and that it is not true they were backing up the 'baseless rumors'.
I think the only way to update this game, would be to flesh it out a lot more. Remember the opening cut scene where the helicopter crashes and they are pursued by dogs until they run into the mansion? Well I think we should play through that section in the woods. It would be a terrifying opening and would explain the dangers that are outside. When I played the original I remember thinking...just leave the mansion! Yes, there are zombie dogs outside, but inside the mansion there are nightmare creatures around every corner - the woods are the lesser of two evils! If the opening sequence was scary as hell and we are desperately trying to make it to the mansion, it would justify why the S.T.A.R.S team don't just leave.
Also I would want a lot more focus to be put into humanising Jill and Chris. If you played through the RE:3 Remake, you will know that Jill has PTSD. Use this game to explain that. Have the two lead characters react as normal people would react in this situation, completely terrified! I would also be very keen to see them do the two branching stories like we got with Leon and Claire in in RE:2, because I loved playing through both those stories. I would also love to see some flashbacks in this version where you perhaps play as different characters. Maybe we have a Wesker flashback, where we explore why he is so unnecessarily evil! Or my other idea is a Lisa Trevor backstory, where you play as her trying to escape the facility - much like the orphanage section of RE:2. If you don't know who Lisa Trevor is, she is a young girl who was experimented on and became a hunchback monster that you find in a cabin. Playing through her story could be extremely heartbreaking and further add to the idea that the zombies in this game were real people.
I played through RE:1 recently and the puzzles are still interesting and enjoyable and the game is still unnerving and tense and I could not be more ready for a remake, but will that happen?...I don't know, but I want it to! What do you guys think? Will we see Resident Evil: Remake in 2026 to celebrate the 30th anniversary? Answer in the comments!
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