Yesterday I was at the supermarket (buying my weekly diet of Oreos and action figures aimed at children) wearing my Cuphead T-Shirt and minding my own business when I heard a voice say "that game is an absolute classic!" I turned around to see who this wise person was and it was an older gentleman with his grand kids, pointing at my shirt. I realised in that moment 2 things: video games are played by more people than we think...and I am getting old. We all have the stereotype of the 'gamer' in our heads, but perhaps the secret is out, perhaps everyone has realised what a wonderful and diverse art form video gaming is and if we love it...we have to let it go free! When I was a young innocent gamer on the bus with my lime green Gameboy Color I always felt a little self conscious, I would even hide my Gameboy if I saw some cooler kids get on the bus. Fast forward 20 years and I was sat on a train last week playing my Nintendo Switch and a man in a suit (aka a grown up ...